
'Great Singers' Secrets Series.

Ongoing Event. Class is FREE!

Thursday, 9th May 7pm

USA (Chicago / HoustonTime)

Central Standard Time

FREE LIVE ZOOM SINGING CLASS : THURS 9th, 7pm Chicago Time / USA : Get 'Great Singers' Secrets'! Reserve your space today! Learn how to sing with passion and beauty like your favorite singer.

Materials : A Free workbook will be emailed to you in PDF format.

Q&A : Live Training featuring Q & A for all attendees. Have your questions ready!

Registration : Pre-Registration is required.

Guests : 35 Seats are available

Cost : FREE

Date : Thursday, 9th, May 2024.

Time : 7pm Central Standard Time.

ABOUT : Every Class is New in this Ongoing Series.

FREE Class Instructions : 1. Scroll down. 2. Click date offered. 3. Click time offered. 4. Enter First name (required) 5. Email (required) 6. and Press 'Schedule Event'. Do not worry if class date appears different. Date appearing is your time zone.

Joe Vitale - Author 60 Books

Star of Movie 'The Secret'

Lola Jones - Author/Sage

'Divine Openings'

© Guy Monroe Lietzman. All rights Reserved. Authorized Use Only.