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13. 30 Minute Super WarmUp ~ Male Voice

Men, Unlock tried-and-true warmups used by Grammy-winning artists to prepare their voices for the stage. These carefully arranged exercises will energize your voice and provide an effective workout—all in just 30 minutes.

Course Content Description (COACH GUIDED AUDIO). Format.MP3

~ MODULE 1 : Breathing Exercises (5 minutes)

  • Purpose of Breathing Exercises : Breathing exercises are fundamental for singers as they help develop control over breath, which is crucial for sustaining notes, achieving dynamics, and maintaining vocal health. Proper breathing techniques support efficient airflow, reduce strain on the vocal cords, and enhance overall vocal performance.
  • Exercise 1.1: Diaphragmatic Breathing (2 minutes)
  • Activity:
  • Find a Comfortable Position: Stand or sit with your back straight and shoulders relaxed.
  • Place Your Hands: Put one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen.
  • Inhale Deeply: Breathe in slowly through your nose, ensuring your abdomen expands while keeping your chest relatively still.
  • Exhale Slowly: Breathe out through your mouth, feeling your abdomen contract.
  • Repeat: Continue this cycle for 2 minutes, focusing on deep, controlled breaths.
  • Exercise 1.2: Sustained 'S' Sound (3 minutes)
  • Activity:
  • Inhale Deeply: Take a deep diaphragmatic breath as practiced in Exercise 1.
  • Exhale with an 'S' Sound: Slowly release your breath, making a continuous 'S' sound (like a hissing sound). Aim to sustain the sound for as long as possible.
  • Focus on Control: Ensure a steady, even airflow throughout the exhale.
  • Repeat: Continue this exercise for 3 minutes, aiming to lengthen the duration of each 'S' sound with each repetition.


  • Builds Breath Control: Teaches how to regulate airflow, which is essential for maintaining consistent vocal tone and pitch.
  • Enhances Lung Efficiency: Trains the lungs and diaphragm to release air slowly and evenly, improving stamina and control during singing.
  • Supports Vocal Stability: Helps stabilize the vocal cords by promoting steady airflow, reducing the risk of vocal strain and fatigue.
  • These foundational breathing exercises set the stage for effective vocal warm-ups and performance. By mastering diaphragmatic breathing and controlled exhalation, singers can ensure a solid and healthy vocal technique.

~ MODULE 2 : Lip Trills and Tongue Trills (5 minutes)

  • Exercise 2.1 : Lip Trills (2.5 minutes)
  • Activity:
  • Glide from G2 (ascending) to G5, then back down to G2 (descending).
  • Exercise 2.2: Tongue Trills (2.5 minutes)
  • Activity:
  • Glide from G2 (ascending) to G5, then back down to G2 (descending).

~ MODULE 3 : Humming and Resonance Exercises (5 minutes)

  • Exercise 3.1 : Humming (2.5 minutes)
  • Activity:
  • Hum from G2 (ascending) to G5, then back down to G2 (descending).
  • Hum from A2 (ascending) to A5, then back down to A2 (descending).
  • Hum from B2 (ascending) to B5, then back down to B2 (descending).
  • Exercise 3.2 : 'N' and 'NG' Sounds (2.5 minutes)
  • Activity:
  • Glide from C3 (ascending) to C6, then back down to C3 (descending).
  • Glide from D3 (ascending) to D6, then back down to D3 (descending).
  • Glide from E3 (ascending) to E6, then back down to E3 (descending).

~ MODULE 4 : Sirens and Octave Glides (5 minutes)

  • Exercise 4.1 : Sirens (2.5 minutes)
  • Activity:
  • Slide from G2 (ascending) to G5, then slide back down to G2 (descending).
  • Slide from A2 (ascending) to A5, then slide back down to A2 (descending).
  • Exercise 4.3 : Octave Glides (2.5 minutes)
  • Activity:
  • Sing G2 (ascending) to G5, then back down to G2 (descending).
  • Sing A2 (ascending) to A5, then back down to A2 (descending).
  • Sing B2 (ascending) to B5, then back down to B2 (descending).

~ MODULE 5 : Scale Exercises (5 minutes)

Exercise 5.1 : Major Scale (2.5 minutes)

  • Activity:
  • Ascending: G2, A2, B2, C3, D3, E3, F#3, G3, A3, B3, C4, D4, E4, F#4, G4, A4, B4, C5, D5, E5, F#5, G5
  • Descending: G5, F#5, E5, D5, C5, B4, A4, G4, F#4, E4, D4, C4, B3, A3, G3, F#3, E3, D3, C3, B2, A2, G2
  • Ascending: A2, B2, C#3, D3, E3, F#3, G#3, A3, B3, C#4, D4, E4, F#4, G#4, A4, B4, C#5, D5, E5, F#5, G#5, A5
  • Descending: A5, G#5, F#5, E5, D5, C#5, B4, A4, G#4, F#4, E4, D4, C#4, B3, A3, G#3, F#3, E3, D3, C#3, B2, A2
  • Ascending: B2, C#3, D#3, E3, F#3, G#3, A#3, B3, C#4, D#4, E4, F#4, G#4, A#4, B4, C#5, D#5, E5, F#5, G#5, A#5, B5
  • Descending: B5, A#5, G#5, F#5, E5, D#5, C#5, B4, A#4, G#4, F#4, E4, D#4, C#4, B3, A#3, G#3, F#3, E3, D#3, C#3, B2

Exercise 5.2 : Chromatic Scale (2.5 minutes)

  • Activity:
  • Ascending: G2, G#2, A2, A#2, B2, C3, C#3, D3, D#3, E3, F3, F#3, G3, G#3, A3, A#3, B3, C4, C#4, D4, D#4, E4, F4, F#4, G4, G#4, A4, A#4, B4, C5, C#5, D5, D#5, E5, F5, F#5, G5
  • Descending: G5, F#5, F5, E5, D#5, D5, C#5, C5, B4, A#4, A4, G#4, G4, F#4, F4, E4, D#4, D4, C#4, C4, B3, A#3, A3, G#3, G3, F#3, F3, E3, D#3, D3, C#3, C3, B2, A#2, A2, G#2, G2
  • Ascending: A2, A#2, B2, C3, C#3, D3, D#3, E3, F3, F#3, G3, G#3, A3, A#3, B3, C4, C#4, D4, D#4, E4, F4, F#4, G4, G#4, A4, A#4, B4, C5, C#5, D5, D#5, E5, F5, F#5, G5, G#5, A5
  • Descending: A5, G#5, G5, F#5, F5, E5, D#5, D5, C#5, C5, B4, A#4, A4, G#4, G4, F#4, F4, E4, D#4, D4, C#4, C4, B3, A#3, A3, G#3, G3, F#3, F3, E3, D#3, D3, C#3, C3, B2, A#2, A2
  • Ascending: B2, C3, C#3, D3, D#3, E3, F3, F#3, G3, G#3, A3, A#3, B3, C4, C#4, D4, D#4, E4, F4, F#4, G4, G#4, A4, A#4, B4, C5, C#5, D5, D#5, E5, F5, F#5, G5, G#5, A5, A#5, B5
  • Descending: B5, A#5, A5, G#5, G5, F#5, F5, E5, D#5, D5, C#5, C5, B4, A#4, A4, G#4, G4, F#4, F4, E4, D#4, D4, C#4, C4, B3, A#3, A3, G#3, G3, F#3, F3, E3, D#3, D3, C#3, C3, B2

~ Module 6: Interval Training (5 minutes)

Exercise 6.1 : Thirds and Fifths (2.5 minutes)

  • Activity:
  • Thirds Ascending: G2-B2, G#2-C3, A2-C#3, A#2-D3, B2-D#3, C3-E3, C#3-F3, D3-F#3, D#3-G3, E3-G#3, F3-A3, F#3-A#3, G3-B3, G#3-C4, A3-C#4, A#3-D4, B3-D#4, C4-E4, C#4-F4, D4-F#4, D#4-G4, E4-G#4, F4-A4, F#4-A#4, G4-B4, G#4-C5, A4-C#5, A#4-D5, B4-D#5, C5-E5, C#5-F5, D5-F#5, D#5-G5
  • Thirds Descending: G5-E5, G#5-F5, A5-F#5, A#5-G5, B5-G#5, C6-A5, C#6-A#5, D6-B5, D#6-C6, E6-C#6, F6-D6, F#6-D#6, G6-E6, G#6-F6, A6-F#6, A#6-G6, B6-G#6, C7-A6, C#7-A#6, D7-B6, D#7-C7, E7-C#7, F7-D7, F#7-D#7, G7-E7, G#7-F7, A7-F#7, A#7-G7, B7-G#7, C8-A7, C#8-A#7, D8-B7
  • Fifths Ascending: G2-D3, G#2-D#3, A2-E3, A#2-F3, B2-F#3, C3-G3, C#3-G#3, D3-A3, D#3-A#3, E3-B3, F3-C4, F#3-C#4, G3-D4, G#3-D#4, A3-E4, A#3-F4, B3-F#4, C4-G4, C#4-G#4, D4-A4, D#4-A#4, E4-B4, F4-C5, F#4-C#5, G4-D5, G#4-D#5, A4-E5, A#4-F5, B4-F#5, C5-G5, C#5-G#5, D5-A5, D#5-A#5, E5-B5, F5-C6, F#5-C#6, G5-D6
  • Fifths Descending: G6-D6, G#6-D#6, A6-E6, A#6-F6, B6-F#6, C7-G6, C#7-G#6, D7-A6, D#7-A#6, E7-B6, F7-C7, F#7-C#7, G7-D7, G#7-D#7, A7-E7, A#7-F7, B7-F#7, C8-G7, C#8-G#7, D8-A7, D#8-A#7, E8-B7

Exercise 6.2 : Arpeggios (2.5 minutes)

  • Activity:
  • Ascending: G2, B2, D3, G3, B3, D4, G4, B4, D5, G5
  • Descending: G5, D5, B4, G4, D4, B3, G3, D3, B2, G2
  • Ascending: A2, C#3, E3, A3, C#4, E4, A4, C#5, E5, A5
  • Descending: A5, E5, C#5, A4, E4, C#4, A3, E3, C#3, A2
  • Ascending: B2, D#3, F#3, B3, D#4, F#4, B4, D#5, F#5, B5
  • Descending: B5, F#5, D#5, B4, F#4, D#4, B3, F#3, D#3, B2

~ Module 7 : Cool Down (2.5 minutes)

Exercise 7.1 : Arpeggios (2.5 minutes)

  • Activity:
  • Hum from G2 (ascending) to G4, then back down to G2 (descending).
  • Hum from A2 (ascending) to A4, then back down to A2 (descending).
  • Hum from B2 (ascending) to B4, then back down to B2 (descending).

~ Module 8: Congratulations!

Exercise 8.1 : The Future

  • Activity:
  • Next Steps...