Simple Techniques To Improve Your Singing Voice in less than a month!
Here are simple strategies to insure your voice sounds more musical, beautiful and passionate when singing:
Beauty is being on pitch all the time. This is possible if you emphasize vowels by getting to your first vowel sound as quickly as possible, then go to your next vowel and stay with your vowel as long as you can.
The Beast
Beast is the sound of passion that occurs when vowel sounds are directed into the sinus creating overtones and undertones. This is the sound of truth and amplifies your voice as well.
Vowel Emphasis
Vowels are the vehicle of pitch, passion and Groove. Honor your vowels and you will sound beautiful, passionate and groovy.
The Groove
The Groove is created using vowels not consonants. Consonants are obstructions. Vowel;s are musical. Create a groovy rhythm by changing the timing of your vowels.
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