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12. Harmony Secrets Fundimentals

This comprehensive video course is designed for singers of all skill levels, from beginners to advanced performers. Guiding you through the essential techniques needed to perform and compose breathtaking harmonies with confidence.

Course Content Description

Harmony Secrets Fundimentals : For Male and Female Voices

~ MODULE 1 : Warm-Up and Basics (5 minutes)

  • Objective: Teach beginner to intermediate male singers to create vocal harmonies, focusing on understanding harmony theory, listening skills, and practical application.
  • Lesson 1.1: Breathing Exercises (2 minutes)
  • Objective: Establish proper breath support and control.
  • Exercise: Inhale for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, exhale for 4 counts.
  • Posture: Stand or sit with a straight back, shoulders relaxed.


  • Breathe in through the nose for 4 counts.
  • Feel the breath filling your diaphragm, expanding your lower ribs.


  • Hold your breath for 4 counts.


  • Exhale steadily through the mouth for 4 counts.
  • Engage your abdominal muscles to control the breath flow.

Repeat: Perform this cycle 5 times.

  • Lesson 1.2 : Vocal Warm-Ups (3 minutes)
  • Objective: Warm up the vocal cords and prepare the voice for singing.
  • (MALE) Exercise: Sing scales using "la" on C3 to G3 and back down.
  • (FEMALE) Exercise: Sing scales using "la" on G3 to G4 and back down.
  • Posture: Maintain a relaxed posture.

(MALE) Scales:

  • Ascending: Sing "la" from C3 to D3, E3, F3, G3.
  • Descending: Sing "la" from G3 to F3, E3, D3, C3.

(FEMALE) Scales:

  • Ascending: Sing "la" from G3 to A3, B3, C4, D4, E4, F4, G4.
  • Descending: Sing "la" from G4 to F4, E4, D4, C4, B3, A3, G3.

Repeat: Perform this sequence 3 times.

~ MODULE 2 : Understanding Harmony Theory (10 minutes)

  • Lesson 2.1 : Introduction to Intervals (5 minutes)
  • Objective: Understand the basic building blocks of harmony.
  • Exercise: Learn and sing major and minor thirds.
  • Explanation: Intervals are the distances between two notes.

(MALE) Major Third:

  • Sing C3 and E3 together.
  • Sing "do" on C3 and "mi" on E3.

(MALE) Minor Third:

  • Sing C3 and Eb3 together.
  • Sing "do" on C3 and "me" on Eb3.

(FEMALE) Major Third:

  • Sing G3 and B3 together.
  • Sing "do" on G3 and "mi" on B3.

(FEMALE) Minor Third:

  • Sing G3 and Bb3 together.
  • Sing "do" on G3 and "me" on Bb3.
  • Practice: Alternate between major and minor thirds, starting from different notes.
  • Lesson 2.2 : Building Triads (5 minutes)
  • Objective: Understand and sing basic triads (three-note chords).
  • Exercise: Learn and sing major and minor triads.
  • Explanation: A triad consists of three notes: the root, third, and fifth.

(MALE) Major Triad:

  • Sing C3 (root), E3 (major third), and G3 (perfect fifth).
  • Sing "do" on C3, "mi" on E3, and "sol" on G3.

(FEMALE) Major Triad:

  • Sing G3 (root), B3 (major third), and D4 (perfect fifth).
  • Sing "do" on G3, "mi" on B3, and "sol" on D4.

(MALE) Minor Triad:

  • Sing C3 (root), Eb3 (minor third), and G3 (perfect fifth).
  • Sing "do" on C3, "me" on Eb3, and "sol" on G3.

(FEMALE) Minor Triad:

  • Sing G3 (root), Bb3 (minor third), and D4 (perfect fifth).
  • Sing "do" on G3, "me" on Bb3, and "sol" on D4.
  • Practice: Alternate between major and minor triads, starting from different roots.

~ MODULE 3 : Listening and Matching Harmonies (10 minutes)

  • Lesson 3.1 : Listening Exercises (5 minutes)
  • Objective: Develop the ability to hear and identify harmonies.
  • Exercise: Listen to recordings of simple harmonized melodies and identify the harmonies.
  • Explanation: Play a melody with harmonies.


  • Listen carefully to the recording.
  • Identify the melody and the harmony parts.


  • Sing along with the melody, then try to sing the harmony part.
  • Use simple songs with clear harmonies to start.
  • Lesson 3.2 : Singing in Thirds (5 minutes)
  • Objective: Practice singing harmonies a third above or below a given note.
  • Exercise: Sing harmonized scales in thirds.
  • Explanation: Harmonize a scale by singing every note a third above or below the melody.

(MALE) Melody:

  • Sing a C major scale from C3 to C4.
  • Sing "do re mi fa sol la ti do".

(MALE) Harmony:

  • Sing a major third above: E3 to E4.
  • Sing "mi fa sol la ti do re mi".

(FEMALE) Melody:

  • Sing a G major scale from G3 to G4.
  • Sing "do re mi fa sol la ti do".

(FEMALE) Harmony:

  • Sing a major third above: B3 to B4.
  • Sing "mi fa sol la ti do re mi".
  • Practice: Alternate between singing the melody and the harmony part.

~ MODULE 4 : Practical Application (10 minutes)

  • Lesson 4.1 : Harmonizing Simple Melodies (5 minutes)
  • Objective: Apply harmony skills to simple melodies.
  • Exercise: Harmonize a simple song like "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star".

(MALE) Melody:

  • Sing the melody of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" in C major.

(FEMALE) Melody:

  • Sing the melody of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" in G major.


  • Add a harmony part a third above the melody.
  • Sing the melody with the harmony part.

Practice: Repeat the exercise with different simple songs.

  • Lesson 4.2 : Creating Your Own Harmonies (5 minutes)
  • Objective: Develop the ability to create harmonies spontaneously.
  • Exercise: Create harmony parts for given melodies.
  • Explanation: Choose a simple melody and create a harmony part.


  • Sing a simple melody line.


  • Sing a harmony part a third or a fifth above or below the melody.


  • Experiment with different intervals and harmony lines.
  • Sing the melody and harmony parts together.

~ MODULE 5 : Cool Down (5 minutes)

  • Lesson 5.1 : Gentle Humming (2 minutes)
  • Objective: Relax the vocal cords and reduce tension after extensive use.
  • Exercise: Hum gently on a comfortable note, gradually moving down the scale.
  • Posture: Maintain an upright posture.

(MALE) Gentle Humming:

  • Start on a comfortable note, such as G3.
  • Hum gently, focusing on relaxation and a soft tone.

(MALE) Scale:

  • Descending: Hum down the scale from G3 to F3, E3, D3, C3.

(FEMALE) Gentle Humming:

  • Start on a comfortable note, such as E4.
  • Hum gently, focusing on relaxation and a soft tone.

(FEMALE) Scale:

  • Descending: Hum down the scale from E4 to D4, C4, B3, A3.


  • Ensure the hum is gentle and without strain.
  • Focus on a relaxed throat and smooth transitions.
  • Lesson 5.2 : Recap and Review (3 minutes)
  • Objective: Reinforce the concepts learned and ensure understanding.
  • Exercise: Review key concepts and practice harmonies learned.


  • Go over major and minor thirds, triads, and harmonizing techniques.


  • Sing a simple melody and add harmonies.
  • Reflect on progress and areas needing improvement.

Cool Down:

  • Finish with gentle humming or light vocalizing to relax the voice.

By following this structured program, beginner female singers can build a strong foundation in creating vocal harmonies, gradually progressing from basic understanding to practical application.

~ Module 6 : Congratulations!

  • Lesson 6.1 : The Future
  • Activity:
  • Next Steps...