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11. Riffs and Runs Intro to Agility

Great singers have pentatonic agility. You will too after this course. By mastering licks and runs, you'll uncover the elite techniques that craft those enchanting, beautiful streams of notes and captivate your audience with the elegance and precision of a seasoned vocalist.

Course Content Description

Riffs and Runs : For Male and Female Voices

~ MODULE 1 : Warm-Up (5 minutes)

  • Objective: Teach beginner to intermediate vocal riffs and runs in the style of pop music, focusing on agility, control, and stylistic expression.
  • Lesson 1.1: Breathing Exercises (2 minutes)
  • Objective: Establish proper breath support and control.
  • Exercise: Inhale for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, exhale for 4 counts.
  • Posture: Stand or sit with a straight back, shoulders relaxed.


  • Breathe in through the nose for 4 counts.
  • Feel the breath filling your diaphragm, expanding your lower ribs.


  • Hold your breath for 4 counts.


  • Exhale steadily through the mouth for 4 counts.
  • Engage your abdominal muscles to control the breath flow.

Repeat: Perform this cycle 5 times.

  • Lesson 1.2 : Lip Trills (3 minutes)
  • Objective: Establish proper breath support and control.
  • (MALE) : Exercise: Perform lip trills on a comfortable note, moving gradually from G3 to E4 and back down.
  • (FEMALE) : Exercise: Perform lip trills on a comfortable note, moving gradually from C4 to A4 and back down.
  • Posture: Maintain a relaxed posture.

(MALE) Lip Trills:

  • Start with a comfortable note, such as G3.
  • Trill your lips together, focusing on even breath support.

(FEMALE) Lip Trills:

  • Start with a comfortable note, such as C4.
  • Trill your lips together, focusing on even breath support.

(MALE) Scale:

  • Ascending: Move up by half steps from G3 to A3, B3, C4, D4, and E4.
  • Descending: Move back down from E4 to D4, C4, B3, A3, and G3.

(FEMALE) Scale:

  • Ascending: Move up by half steps from C4 to D4, E4, F4, G4, and A4.
  • Descending: Move back down from A4 to G4, F4, E4, D4, and C4.

Repeat: Perform this sequence 3 times.

~ MODULE 2 : Basic Riffs and Runs (10 minutes)

  • Lesson 2.1 : Simple 3-Note Runs (3 minutes)
  • Objective: Introduce simple riffs and runs to build agility and control.
  • (MALE) Exercise: Sing a 3-note run using "la" on G3-A3-B3.
  • (FEMALE) Exercise: Sing a 3-note run using "la" on C4-D4-E4.
  • Posture: Maintain an upright posture.

(MALE) Run:

  • Start on G3.
  • Sing "la" on G3, then quickly move to A3 and B3.


  • Start on C4.
  • Sing "la" on C4, then quickly move to D4 and E4.

(MALE) Repeat:

  • Ascending and Descending: Perform the run up and down.
  • Move up by half steps to A3-B3-C4, B3-C#4-D4, etc., for one octave.

(FEMALE) Repeat:

  • Ascending and Descending: Perform the run up and down.
  • Move up by half steps to D4-E4-F4, E4-F#4-G4, etc., for one octave.
  • Lesson 2.2 : 5-Note Runs (3 minutes)
  • Objective: Develop agility and precision with a slightly more complex run.
  • (MALE) Exercise: Sing a 5-note run using "la" on G3-A3-B3-C4-D4.
  • (FEMALE) Exercise: Sing a 5-note run using "la" on C4-D4-E4-F4-G4.
  • Posture: Maintain an upright posture.

(MALE) Run:

  • Start on G3.
  • Sing "la" on G3, then quickly move to A3, B3, C4, and D4.

(MALE) Repeat:

  • Ascending and Descending: Perform the run up and down.
  • Move up by half steps to A3-B3-C4-D4-E4, B3-C#4-D4-E4-F#4, etc., for one octave.


  • Start on C4.
  • Sing "la" on C4, then quickly move to D4, E4, F4, and G4.

(FEMALE) Repeat:

  • Ascending and Descending: Perform the run up and down.
  • Move up by half steps to D4-E4-F4-G4-A4, E4-F#4-G4-A4-B4, etc., for one octave.
  • Lesson 2.3 : Connecting Runs (4 minutes)
  • Objective: Practice connecting runs smoothly.
  • (MALE) Exercise: Connect two 3-note runs (e.g., G3-A3-B3 to B3-C4-D4).
  • (FEMALE) Exercise: Connect two 3-note runs (e.g., C4-D4-E4 to E4-F4-G4).
  • Posture: Maintain an upright posture.

(MALE) Run:

  • Start with a 3-note run on G3-A3-B3.
  • Without pausing, connect to another 3-note run on B3-C4-D4.

(MALE) Repeat:

  • Ascending and Descending: Perform the connected runs up and down.
  • Move up by half steps to A3-B3-C4 to C4-D4-E4, B3-C#4-D4 to D4-E4-F#4, etc., for one octave.


  • Start with a 3-note run on C4-D4-E4.
  • Without pausing, connect to another 3-note run on E4-F4-G4.

(FEMALE) Repeat:

  • Ascending and Descending: Perform the connected runs up and down.
  • Move up by half steps to D4-E4-F4 to F4-G4-A4, E4-F#4-G4 to G4-A4-B4, etc., for one octave.

~ MODULE 3 : Intermediate Riffs and Runs (10 minutes)

  • Lesson 3.1 : 7-Note Runs (4 minutes)
  • Objective: Increase agility and control with longer runs.
  • (MALE) Exercise: Sing a 7-note run using "la" on G3-A3-B3-C4-D4-E4-F#4.
  • (FEMALE) Exercise: Sing a 7-note run using "la" on C4-D4-E4-F4-G4-A4-B4.
  • Posture: Maintain an upright posture.

(MALE) Run:

  • Start on G3.
  • Sing "la" on G3, then quickly move to A3, B3, C4, D4, E4, and F#4.

(MALE) Repeat:

  • Ascending and Descending: Perform the run up and down.
  • Move up by half steps to A3-B3-C4-D4-E4-F#4-G4, B3-C#4-D4-E4-F#4-G#4-A4, etc., for one octave.


  • Start on C4.
  • Sing "la" on C4, then quickly move to D4, E4, F4, G4, A4, and B4.

(FEMALE) Repeat:

  • Ascending and Descending: Perform the run up and down.
  • Move up by half steps to D4-E4-F4-G4-A4-B4-C5, E4-F#4-G4-A4-B4-C#5-D5, etc., for one octave.
  • Lesson 3.2 : Descending Runs (3 minutes)
  • Objective: Develop control and precision in descending runs.
  • (MALE) Exercise: Sing a descending 5-note run using "la" on D4-C4-B3-A3-G3.
  • (FEMALE) Exercise: Sing a descending 5-note run using "la" on G4-F4-E4-D4-C4.
  • Posture: Maintain an upright posture.

(MALE) Run:

  • Start on D4.
  • Sing "la" on D4, then quickly move to C4, B3, A3, and G3.

(MALE) Repeat:

  • Descending and Ascending: Perform the run down and up.
  • Move up by half steps to E4-D4-C4-B3-A3, F#4-E4-D4-C#4-B3, etc., for one octave.


  • Start on G4.
  • Sing "la" on G4, then quickly move to F4, E4, D4, and C4.

(FEMALE) Repeat:

  • Descending and Ascending: Perform the run down and up.
  • Move up by half steps to A4-G4-F4-E4-D4, B4-A4-G4-F#4-E4, etc., for one octave.
  • Lesson 3.3 : Alternating Runs (3 minutes)
  • Objective: Practice agility with alternating up and down runs.
  • (MALE) Exercise: Alternate between an ascending and descending 5-note run (e.g., G3-A3-B3-C4-D4 and D4-C4-B3-A3-G3).
  • (FEMALE) Exercise: Alternate between an ascending and descending 5-note run (e.g., C4-D4-E4-F4-G4 and G4-F4-E4-D4-C4).
  • Posture: Maintain an upright posture.

(MALE) Run:

  • Start with an ascending 5-note run on G3-A3-B3-C4-D4.
  • Follow immediately with a descending run on D4-C4-B3-A3-G3.

(MALE) Repeat:

  • Perform the alternating runs.
  • Move up by half steps to A3-B3-C4-D4-E4 and E4-D4-C4-B3-A3, B3-C#4-D4-E4-F#4 and F#4-E4-D4-C#4-B3, etc., for one octave.


  • Start with an ascending 5-note run on C4-D4-E4-F4-G4.
  • Follow immediately with a descending run on G4-F4-E4-D4-C4.

(FEMALE) Repeat:

  • Perform the alternating runs.
  • Move up by half steps to D4-E4-F4-G4-A4 and A4-G4-F4-E4-D4, E4-F#4-G4-A4-B4 and B4-A4-G4-F#4-E4, etc., for one octave.

~ MODULE 4 : Advanced Riffs and Runs (5 minutes)

  • Lesson 4.1 : Complex 8-Note Runs (3 minutes)
  • Objective: Develop advanced agility and control.
  • (MALE) Exercise: Sing an 8-note run using "la" on G3-A3-B3-C4-D4-E4-F#4-G4.
  • (FEMALE) Exercise: Sing an 8-note run using "la" on C4-D4-E4-F4-G4-A4-B4-C5.
  • Posture: Maintain an upright posture.

(MALE) Run:

  • Start on G3.
  • Sing "la" on G3, then quickly move to A3, B3, C4, D4, E4, F#4, and G4.

(MALE) Repeat:

  • Ascending and Descending: Perform the run up and down.
  • Move up by half steps to A3-B3-C4-D4-E4-F#4-G4-A4, B3-C#4-D4-E4-F#4-G#4-A4-B4, etc., for one octave.


  • Start on C4.
  • Sing "la" on C4, then quickly move to D4, E4, F4, G4, A4, B4, and C5.

(FEMALE) Repeat:

  • Ascending and Descending: Perform the run up and down.
  • Move up by half steps to D4-E4-F4-G4-A4-B4-C#5-D5, E4-F#4-G4-A4-B4-C#5-D5-E5, etc., for one octave.
  • Lesson 4.2 : Melodic Runs (2 minutes)
  • Objective: Apply agility to melodic phrases typical in pop music.
  • Exercise: Sing a melodic run using "la" on a simple pop melody line.
  • Posture: Maintain an upright posture.

(MALE) Run:

  • Start with a simple pop melody, such as G3-A3-B3-D4-E4.
  • Sing "la" on each note, focusing on smooth transitions.

(MALE) Repeat:

  • Perform the melodic run up and down.
  • Move up by half steps to A3-B3-C#4-E4-F#4, B3-C#4-D#4-F#4-G#4, etc., for one octave.


  • Start with a simple pop melody, such as C4-D4-E4-G4-A4.
  • Sing "la" on each note, focusing on smooth transitions.

(FEMALE) Repeat:

  • Perform the melodic run up and down.
  • Move up by half steps to D4-E4-F#4-A4-B4, E4-F#4-G#4-B4-C#5, etc., for one octave.

~ MODULE 5 : Cool Down (5 minutes)

  • Lesson 5.1 : Gentle Humming (2 minutes)
  • Objective: Relax the vocal cords and reduce tension after extensive use.
  • Exercise: Hum gently on a comfortable note, gradually moving down the scale.
  • Posture: Maintain an upright posture.

(MALE) Gentle Humming:

  • Start on a comfortable note, such as G4.
  • Hum gently, focusing on relaxation and a soft tone.

(MALE) Scale:

  • Descending: Hum down the scale from G4 to F#4, E4, D4, C4, B3, A3, and G3.

(FEMALE) Gentle Humming:

  • Start on a comfortable note, such as A4.
  • Hum gently, focusing on relaxation and a soft tone.

(FEMALE) Scale:

  • Descending: Hum down the scale from A4 to G4, F4, E4, D4, C4, B3, and A3.


  • Ensure the hum is gentle and without strain.
  • Focus on a relaxed throat and smooth transitions.

(MALE) Repeat: Perform this sequence for 2 octaves, moving down by half steps.

  • G4, F#4, E4, D4, C4, B3, A3, G3
  • F#4, E4, D4, C#4, B3, A3, G3, F3

(FEMALE) Repeat: Perform this sequence for 2 octaves, moving down by half steps.

  • A4, G#4, F#4, E4, D4, C4, B3, A3
  • G#4, F#4, E4, D#4, C4, B3, A3, G#3
  • Lesson 5.2 : Descending Lip Trills (3 minutes)
  • Objective: Cool down the voice and release any remaining tension.
  • Exercise: Perform descending lip trills from a comfortable high note.
  • Posture: Maintain an upright posture.

(MALE) Descending Lip Trills:

  • Start on a comfortable high note, such as G4.
  • Trill your lips together, focusing on a relaxed and even trill.

(MALE) Scale:

  • Descending: Trill down from G4 to F#4, E4, D4, C4, B3, A3, and G3.

(FEMALE) Descending Lip Trills:

  • Start on a comfortable high note, such as A4.
  • Trill your lips together, focusing on a relaxed and even trill.

(FEMALE) Scale:

  • Descending: Trill down from A4 to G4, F#4, E4, D4, C4, B3, and A3.


  • Ensure the trill is smooth and tension-free.
  • Focus on even breath support and a relaxed tone.

(MALE) Repeat: Perform this sequence for 2 octaves, moving down by half steps.

  • G4, F#4, E4, D4, C4, B3, A3, G3
  • F#4, E4, D4, C#4, B3, A3, G3, F3

(FEMALE) Repeat: Perform this sequence for 2 octaves, moving down by half steps.

  • A4, G#4, F#4, E4, D4, C4, B3, A3
  • G#4, F#4, E4, D#4, C4, B3, A3, G#3

~ Module 6 : MALE : Congratulations!

  • Lesson 6.1 : The Future
  • Activity:
  • Next Steps...