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09. Prep For ANY LIVE SHOW

This unique course pairs expert feedback with effective exercises, enabling you to extend your vocal range, master high notes, and achieve complete vocal control. From a coach who has prepared singers for (AGT) 'America's Got Talent' and 'The Voice' TV shows.

Course Content Description

Prep for Great Performance : Audition or LIVE Show

~ MODULE 1 : Vocal Technique and Clarity (15 minutes)

  • Objective: Prepare performers to meet and exceed audience expectations through vocal technique, stage presence, and performance skills.
  • Lesson 1.1: Breathing Exercises (5 minutes)
  • Objective: Establish proper breath support and control.
  • Exercise: Inhale for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, exhale for 4 counts.
  • Posture: Stand or sit with a straight back, shoulders relaxed.

Inhale: Breathe in through the nose for 4 counts. Feel the breath filling your diaphragm.


  • Hold your breath for 4 counts.


  • Exhale steadily through the mouth for 4 counts.
  • Engage your abdominal muscles to control the breath flow.

Repeat: Perform this cycle 5 times.

  • Lesson 1.2 : Diction and Enunciation (5 minutes)
  • Objective: Improve clarity of speech and singing.
  • Exercise: Tongue twisters and articulation drills.
  • Warm-Up: Start with simple tongue twisters like “Red leather, yellow leather.”

Articulation: Practice singing scales using consonant-heavy phrases such as “la-la-la,” “ma-ma-ma,” “da-da-da.”

Application: Sing a few lines from a song, focusing on clear enunciation of each word.

Repeat: Perform this sequence 3 times.

  • Lesson 1.3: Pitch Accuracy (5 minutes)
  • Objective: Improve pitch accuracy and control.
  • Exercise: Practice singing intervals accurately.
  • Major Thirds: Sing G3 and B3 together. Sing “do” on G3 and “mi” on B3.
  • Perfect Fifths: Sing G3 and D4 together. Sing “do” on G3 and “sol” on D4.
  • Octaves: Sing G3 and G4 together. Sing “do” on G3 and “do” on G4.
  • Practice: Alternate between major thirds, perfect fifths, and octaves, starting from different notes.

Repetition: Repeat each interval 3 times for accuracy.

~ MODULE 2 : Stage Presence and Confidence (15 minutes)

  • Lesson 2.1 : Eye Contact and Audience Engagement
  • Objective: Develop the ability to engage the audience through eye contact.
  • Exercise: Practice performing with focused eye contact.

Mirror Practice: Practice making eye contact with yourself in the mirror while singing.

Imaginary Audience: Sing to an imaginary audience, making deliberate eye contact with different “sections” of the crowd.

  • Feedback: Record your practice and review to ensure natural and engaging eye contact.
  • Repetition: Practice this exercise 3 times with different songs.
  • Lesson 2.2 : Body Language and Movement (5 minutes)
  • Objective: Develop confident body language and purposeful movement.
  • Exercise: Practice singing with open and confident body language.
  • Posture: Stand with shoulders back and head held high.

Gestures: Use hand gestures to emphasize key lyrics or emotions.

Movement: Practice walking or swaying to the music in a natural manner.

  • Repetition: Perform these movements with 3 different songs.
  • Lesson 2.3 : Expression and Emotion (5 minutes)
  • Objective: Convey emotions through facial expressions and body language.
  • Exercise: Practice singing with emotional expression.
  • Lyrics Analysis: Read through the lyrics and identify the main themes and emotions.

Facial Expressions: Practice singing while focusing on conveying the song’s emotion through your face.

Full Body: Incorporate facial expressions and body language together.

Repetition: Practice this with 3 different songs, focusing on different emotions.

~ MODULE 3 : Song Preparation and Interpretation (20 minutes)

  • Lesson 3.1 : Song Selection and Range Check (5 minutes)
  • Objective: Choose appropriate songs for the performance or audition and ensure they fit your vocal range.
  • Exercise: Select 2-3 songs and check their range against your vocal range.
  • Selection: Choose songs that showcase your vocal strengths and fit the performance/audition requirements.
  • Range Check: Sing through each song and ensure all notes are comfortable. Make necessary key adjustments to fit your range.
  • Final Choice: Select the final 2-3 songs for practice.
  • Lesson 3.2 : Lyrics Interpretation and Emotional Delivery (7 minutes)
  • Objective: Understand and convey the emotional content of the songs.
  • Exercise: Analyze the lyrics and practice singing with emotion.
  • Lyrics Analysis: Read through the lyrics and identify the main themes and emotions. Mark phrases that require special attention to emotion.
  • Emotional Singing: Sing the song focusing on conveying the identified emotions. Use facial expressions and body language to enhance the performance.
  • Practice: Sing each song with full emotional expression.
  • Lesson 3.3 : Dynamic Control and Phrasing (8 minutes)
  • Objective: Develop control over vocal dynamics and phrasing.
  • Exercise: Practice varying dynamics and phrasing in songs.
  • Soft to Loud: Sing "la" on a comfortable pitch (G3) starting softly and gradually increasing volume.
  • Loud to Soft: Sing "la" starting loudly and gradually decreasing volume.
  • Crescendo and Decrescendo: Sing a simple phrase ("Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star") with a crescendo (gradual increase in volume) and decrescendo (gradual decrease in volume).
  • Phrasing: Practice singing phrases with intentional pauses and emphasis to enhance musicality.
  • Repetition: Practice each dynamic exercise 3 times for control.

~ MODULE 4 : Rehearsal and Performance Practice (10 minutes)

  • Lesson 4.1 : Structured Rehearsal Techniques (5 minutes)
  • Objective: Develop effective rehearsal habits for consistent improvement.
  • Exercise: Use structured practice routines to enhance performance.
  • Warm-Up: Begin each practice session with a warm-up (Module 1).
  • Segment Practice: Break each song into sections and focus on one section at a time.
  • Spot Practice: Identify and practice difficult spots in the song repeatedly.
  • Full Run-Through: Sing each song from beginning to end to practice continuity.
  • Lesson 4.2 : Feedback and Adjustment (5 minutes)
  • Objective: Learn to self-evaluate and incorporate feedback.
  • Exercise: Record your practice and make adjustments based on self-evaluation or feedback.
  • Recording: Record yourself singing the selected songs.
  • Evaluation: Listen to the recording and identify areas for improvement (pitch, dynamics, expression).
  • Adjustment: Make the necessary adjustments and practice the improved version.
  • Repeat: Record and evaluate again to ensure improvements.

~ MODULE 5 : Cool Down and Review (10 minutes)

  • Lesson 5.1 : Vocal Cool Down (5 minutes)
  • Objective: Relax the vocal cords and reduce tension after practice.
  • Exercise: Perform gentle vocal cool-down exercises.
  • Gentle Humming: Hum gently on a comfortable note, gradually moving down the scale.
  • Lip Trills: Perform lip trills on a descending scale to relax the lips and face.
  • Yawning: Yawn gently to relax the throat and vocal cords.
  • Repeat: Perform each exercise 3 times.
  • Lesson 5.2 : Review and Reflection (5 minutes)
  • Objective: Reflect on the practice session and plan for further improvement.
  • Exercise: Review key concepts and plan the next practice session.
  • Review: Recap the main points covered in each module.
  • Self-Reflection: Reflect on your strengths and areas needing improvement.
  • Plan: Set goals for the next practice session based on today's progress.

By following this structured 60-minute program, beginner male singers can build a strong foundation in vocal technique, stage presence, and performance skills, ensuring they meet and exceed audience expectations for a great performance.

~ Module 6 : Congratulations!

  • Lesson 6.1 : The Future
  • Activity:
  • Next Steps...

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